AeroPress Coffee Maker - Clear

AeroPress Coffee Maker - Clear


  • 3-in-1 Brewing:  Immersion, aeration and pressure combine for exceptional, one of a kind flavor and versatility. Make American, cold brew, espresso and lattes, all in about a minute. Experiment with temperature, grind size and immersion time to create your own 3 in 1 flavor - rich like espresso, smooth like a pour-over and full bodied like a french press.  ​​

  • Fast Immersion:  Presses don’t normally include filtration, but this one does.  You can now use finer grind coffee which brews faster for less acidity, no bitterness and no grit.​​

  • Air Pressure: unique plunge system uses gentle pressure to push water through the grinds, aerating and extracting only the purest, freshest flavors for a cup with body and finish not normally found in coffee.

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